Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Understanding Child and Young Person Development Essay Example for Free

Understanding Child and Young Person Development Essay 1.Fill in the development chart located at the back of this workbook :- †¢An explanation of the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. †¢An explanation of the difference between :- †¢The sequence of and rate of development. †¢Why this difference is important. See separate developments stages chart. Read more: Explain how children and young peoples development is influenced by a range of external factors essay 2.Write an explanation of how children and young people’s development is influenced by :- †¢A range of external factors. †¢A range of personal factors. †¢An explanation of how current practice is influenced by:- †¢Theories of development. †¢Frameworks to support development A range of external and personal factors that influences development There are many different factors that affect children’s development. These include: Gender, health, family, environment, psychological, behavioural and social and economic. Gender There is a lot of discrimination about gender and what people expect that gender to be associated with and be doing. For example people would discriminate a boy in thinking they would want to play with cars and some parents wouldn’t want their son to be playing with ‘girl toys’ for example dolls. This can impact a child’s emotional development as they may get upset if they can’t play with certain toys. Boys are usually stereotyped into being encouraged to play ball games this is because they tend to have more co-ordination. The negative impacts of this are that you would end up having girls and boys playing at different ends of the nursery. Although the positive impacts of this are that it will encourage eye foot co-ordination whilst playing ball games. This can help develop a boy’s physical development – gross motor skills. Girls tend to have better fine manipulative skills from playing with beads etc. This can help develop their physical development – fine motor skills. Health Children with serious illnesses and genetic diseases tend to look and act different to other children and they pick up on this fact. This may affect them joining in with certain activities as they may be incapable to do it for example if they are physically unable to do P.E they won’t take part. They may also lack in socialisation skills and may not be able to make friends as easy as many other children. Some children may not want to play with them as they look and act differently to them self. If their illness or disease means they need time of school to visit the hospital and if they are simply not well enough to come in this will mean they will miss out on a lot of education and socialising with other children. Family Depending on what type of family a child comes from can have a big impact on how developed they are in most areas of development. For example a child from a better well off family may have more resources at home and have a better environment to learn in from home. With a big family a child would have lots of support and would always have someone to be able to read with them and help them with homework sheets and practice writing. This can have a big help in their intellectual development as they have always got support they need and help from the whole family. They can also develop their social development from coming from a big family as they are used to be around a lot of people and have been encouraged too interact with other children and adults. There are many different types of families. These are: Extended family an extended family is a family with other relations for example uncles, aunties and grandparents. This could benefit your child’s intellectual development as t hey will have lots of support and help from extended family for example aunties and uncles. They will always have someone to encourage them to try and succeed in crawling, walking etc. Drawbacks of this are that the house may be crowded and extended family like grandparents may end up looking after ill siblings. They may also have different parenting ideas and this can affect a child’s emotional and intellectual development as they’re being told to do two different things. Nomadic family – a nomadic family is a family who travel around and don’t stay in one place for a long amount of time. This could effect their intellectual and social development as they would never get used to one school and because of all the moving around different schools would have their curriculum set out differently so they may have already done the subject in a previous school. Single parent family – a single parent family is when your parent’s aren’t together anymore or you don’t know one of your parents and you live at home with one parent. This may affect your child’s social development as they wouldn’t have a mother or father role model in their life and may find it hard to adjust with some situations as they’ve been brought up by one parent and so may have missed out on interaction with a male or female figure. If one parent had left recently in their life this may have affected them emotionally and would struggle in their development for a while until they got more used to them not being there anymore. Nuclear family – a nuclear family is 2 parents living with their 2 children. This can benefit a child’s intellectual development as they will have 2 supporting parents who are still together and siblings who can develop all areas of development faster than they would usual develop. An example being – with an older sibling they can encourage your child to do things for themselves and develop socially from always being around them. Re-constituted family a re-constituted family is when parents have split up and re married so a child has a step mom and dad. This may affect their development as the spilt of the parents may have affected them emotionally and their development may be slowed down. They also may not like their new step mom and dad which could cause lots of problems and they won’t want to visit them anymore. This may affect their emotional development as they may be worried about having to go and see them and so won’t be concentrated on work which could affect them intellectually. There are also positive impacts of this though because with step family they will have a lot more support and will always have someone to read to them. This will encourage their intellectual development. The role and responsibilities of the parents is to care for their child and look after them. Provide them with shelter, warmth, food and love so they are emotionally developed. These factors are all important for your child’s physical needs as they need warmth and food to keep them going and growing. Their physical needs need to be met before any other stage of development can take place. Environment Housing is very important as where a child lives can affect majorly how well developed they are. If a child lives in a bigger house then they have more space and most probably their own room. This gives them their own space and gives them time alone to concentrate and relax in, this can help their emotional development as if they ever had a tantrum or was angry or upset they would have their own room to go and calm down in. Having a big house could also mean they therefore have a big garden and this plays a massive part in developing your child physically and socially. This is because having their own outdoor space and being able to run around whenever they like will help them develop physically. They are also able to have friends round to play in the garden; this will help them develop socially. Where as if a child lives in a small house they might have to share a room and this would affect their intellectual development not being able to do some work on their own and have somewhere they can concentrate. They might not have a garden and this would affect their physical development in not being able to run around in their own garden. It would also affect their social as they wouldn’t be able to have friends back to come and play in the garden. Although positive impacts of having a small house and no garden are that they would be out a lot more and would have a lot of fresh air and socialising with friends at a near by park. Where a child lives does affect their development because by living near town they are able to meet friends and socialise and also most importantly be able to get to the library and other useful facilities easily. This therefore benefits their intellectual and social development as they are able to get to the library and be around books and maybe even hire new ones out. They are able to go places easily with their family and socialise, maybe even meet up with their friend and their family and go out somewhere nice in the town for example a coffee shop or restaurant. A positive impact of living in a rural area is that there is less pollution and more space for pets and fresh air. Psychological Children find it really easy to make strong attachments to carers or teachers whom they spend quite a lot of time with, this can affect their emotional development as they may refuse to do things without that certain carer being there. If this is not stopped at an early stage it may be long-lasting and this could cause problems when arriving and leaving them. Children are very capable of making multiple attachments to other people at their nursery or just people they see often and their emotional well being is catered for which in most cases is. Parents play a massive role in a child’s life; factors that may affect their emotional and social development are homosexual parents and lone parents because these children may lack in role models and may have been brought up with different moral values. Security in a child’s environment is very important because it’s what makes the child feel safe and secure in their own environment with their family. Children often feel the need to attention seek for example: a child 6 years old who is a lonely child finds out his mother is pregnant and decides to start playing up acting younger than he actually is to get the attention he wants and needs of his mother that he’s so used to. Children suffer a lot from nightmares and this is all psychological and normally about a lack of understanding of something or a fear of something unusual. This could affect their intellectual development as they may be scared often and therefore not be able to concentrate on more important things. Night terrors play a big part in affecting a child’s intellectual development as if they have a fear or are very tired they are not going to be able to concentrate on their work as they have not sleep. Parent’s need to be very careful what they are letting their children watch on television as there are lots of adult programs that a child won’t understand and may have night terrors about or try to repeat it themselves. Children need to be comforted when they get settled down and after a night terror because they are very sensitive and need to feel loved and comforted by their parents. This can help their emotional development. With a large family or family with siblings there is always rivalry and jealously among each other especially if there’s a new baby and this can affect their emotional development as they are competing who can do better. Positive impacts about having siblings is they can help younger siblings read and encourage them to be able to do things for them self. Parent’s can never compare their child to other children as it can make them feel inadequate and not good about themselves. When there’s a new baby in the family its best to keep their older siblings involved with the entire baby’s routine so they don’t feel left out and can help out and feel needed and grown up about helping out. This will build their confidence up and they will want to experiment more doing new things and this will help their intellectual and social development. A child’s fears appear very real to them and sometimes older siblings feel the need to tell them stories which will scare them and which they won’t understand which doesn’t help a child’s emotional development and it could become a repeated thing which they have a fear of and may not want to go to bed. This could cause them to be very tired and may struggle getting up, it may also affect their intellectual development as when a child is tired they are not as capable as taking part in simple activities. Behavioural There are lots of factors which pay a big part on how a child behaves. Living conditions – if a child lives in a big house they have lots of space to play in but if a child lives in a small house they won’t be able to let out all their energy and so may let it out in anger. They will also be deprived from socialising with their friends who will affect their social development. Rest and sleep – every child needs their rest and sleep, it’s important for the brain and body to relax and be ready for the busy day ahead. So when deprived of rest and sleep they will be unable to work properly and so won’t be developing to the standard they should as they will be tired. This will affect their intellectual development. Diet – if a child consists of a very unhealthy diet of sweets and e numbers they will be very hyper active and this will cause very bad behaviour. This could impact their intellectual development as they may not be able to concentrate a t nursery or home and so won’t be learning or taking part in anything new. This will also impact on their social development as while at nursery if they misbehave and choose not to join other children may not want to play with them or be friends with them because of their behaviour. General health – if a child is mentally ill they may get frustrated if they can’t do something and this can cause bad behaviour. Some children with mental illnesses need a 1 to 1 support carer to help control their behaviour. This could help their intellectual development and social as they’re learning more and spending more 1 to 1 time with adults and learning about how you should act around children. Lifestyle – a child’s lifestyle and things that are going on around them play a big part on how they choose to act. An example of this is imitating bad behaviour at nursery because they are getting more attention than that certain child. This can affect their social development as other children may not want to get involved or play with them if they are misbehaving. Children often lie to get their own way and to get attention, other children then copy thinking that its right to blame it on other people and get them out of trouble. Children who lack se lf confidence tend to be the children who misbehave and don’t have respect for others this could be from the way they’ve been brought up. This affects their social development as other children who they aren’t very nice to are not going to want to play with them. Children like to feel superior to others and show this by changing their behaviour when in situations so they can get their own way and so their in control of the situation. This could affect other children’s social development as they may be blamed for things they haven’t done and may not want to be played with. They don’t care about any one else’s point of view, as long as they are right. Lying can cause lots of problems though as it can cause violence and effect their behaviour. This may affect their intellectual development as they may not want to take part in some activities. It also encourages others to do the same which isn’t very good as their intellectual development is being affected too then. Children have lots of different ways of showing aggression some of these are through violence, not listening, putting others down, disrespect, shouting or talking very loudly, biting hitting and throwing things and frowning and moaning. This impact a child’s social development as other children may not want to play with them. When a child is angry they are immediately not aloud to join in with the activity and they are therefore missing out on learning. Most children when behaving badly are doing it to get attention, attention seeking. Some children lie so they can get what they want, others just refuse to do the work and answer back. It’s all linked to the child’s insecurity so if they know someone is watching them they will deliberately play up for the attention. This affects a child’s intellectual development as most the time they would rather get attention than do any work at all. Social and economic In families who are in poverty, social exclusion or unemployed they find it hard to stay focused on their own and their children’s health and hygiene and sometimes might not be able to feed the children or wash them. This affects a child’s emotional development and well being as if they are not looked after properly and given all the love and care they need they won’t develop properly. They may also have problems at nursery and school as other children may not want to associate or play with them, this would impact on their social development. The social class that a child comes from can have a direct impact on their development, if they have come from a lower social class they may not be able to afford resources that the child needs for their intellectual development and will have no spare time to read with the child or even play. Lots of families are unemployed and this comes with many disadvantages as it could affect their health and expectations to others arou nd them. Depending on where you can afford live could affect what school your child goes to and can get into, this could affect their intellectual development as they may not be able to get into a good school that you’d possibly have to pay for to get into. In a lower social class they may not be able to afford holidays or after school clubs/hobbies for example swimming and horse riding, this could affect their social development. Parent’s who have to work long hours may neglect their children quite a lot without even noticing, all children need to be shown lots of love and care to help their emotional development and bonding. Families in a higher social class may be able to send their children to educational games, sports and clubs which will help their physical and intellectual development. They would also be able to afford family holidays in which they could spend a lot of time with their parent’s and other children which will help their social development. Theories of development. Current practice and knowledge of development is influenced by different theories, an example of a couple of different theories are below: Cognitive Jean Piaget Piaget’s research suggests there are three basic elements to a child’s development, these stages include: 1.Schemas – is the building blocks of knowledge children develop to help them problem solve 2.There are transitions a child may go through to, these processes help a child to move from one stage to another, the equilibrium, assimilation and accommodation 3.He then suggests there are four stages of learning the Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and the formal operational stage Piaget suggests the transition stages happen at different ages which are at 18months, 7 years and 11 or 12 years, he suggests that at these ages a child is more capable or learning new things and until that age they are not able to learn these new areas until they reach this age. He believes a child will learn at these stages from doing and trying things hands on. This is where there the foundation of the curriculum has come from. Lev Vygotsky Vygotsky takes a similar stance to Piaget whereby he suggests children learn from doing and trying thingss and being hands on. However he also believes it is important for the children to socialise with other children of different ages and adults as well as ensure children play and be active to help learn new things Humanist Abraham Maslow Manlow’s theory produced a hierarchy of needs, he suggests a child must be met to help the child develop and if these needs are not met the child might not meet there potential. Therefore when working with children we must consider the hierarch of needs to help the child meet there needs and in turn this will help them develop. Factors such as food, warmth, are cared for, encouragement and respect is some of the criteria Manslow says a child needs. It could be said a child centred approach follows Manslows theory. Social Learning/ Behaviourist Albert Bandhura Banduras theory suggests children learn from others, through copying and observing how others act, play and behave. Therefore saying it is vital a child has a positive role model to learn from. Burrhus Frederic Skinner Skinners theory looks at behaviour and how operant conditioning (reinforcement) which says that a child’s behaviour can be altered through reinforcement. He found that positive reinforcement such as praise when a child receives positive reinforcement they are likely to repeat the behaviour. Skinner found that if you respond to negative behaviour they are more likely to repeat the behaviour because they are getting attention but instead ignoring the behaviour of having a time out is more likely to prevent the child behaving negatively in that way again. Psychological Sigmund Freud Freuds theory suggests that you unconscious will communicate there thinking when they do something. For example when a child lies they will smile or put their hand over their mouths as if they are trying to hide the lie Frameworks to support development See EYMP 1 question 1 for information on the EYFS framework the main framework to support development. See CYP Core 3.6 question 6 for information on other frameworks to support development including the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and the children’s services core assessment. 3.Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods. You may find it helpful to use work products to illustrate your answer e.g. child observations assessments frameworks. From observing children and young people you can determine how they are developing and whether they are behind for their age, observations will help identify this to help put measures in place to aid in there development. Through observations you can identify children’s strengths and weaknesses and therefore plan to help develop their weaknesses and build on their strengths. They will also identify the child’s likes and dislikes so activities can plan planned to expand their interests and doing something they like doing they are more likely to develop at a quicker rate than doing something they dislike as they won’t be as interested in the activity. Observations will also help us pass on information to parents to the child’s progress and update the child’s profiles and learning journeys. Child profiles and learning journeys are a good way to evidence the child’s development and monitor how they are developing. Also asking the parents about their thoughts on the child’s development at home Also see EYMP 1 question 1 for information on the EYFS framework which must be used to monitor, assess the child’s development and look at moving their development to the next stage. 4.Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern. There are many reasons why a child’s development may not follow the expected pattern. These include a range of external and personal factors that influences development sees question two of this assignment for more information about these factors and why they might impact on the development as this question explains the social, economic, lifestyle, health, gender, psychological, behaviour and environmental factors that could mean a child’s development may not follow the expected pattern. A child’s development may be at the expected level for their physical and social development but may be below the expected level of development in communication. So a child may not be behind in all areas. A child may catch up with some support or it may just take them a little time to catch up and do it by themselves, others may not be able to due to physical or learning disabilities or emotional damage. Factors that may mean a child’s development may not follow the expected pattern include: †¢The range of external and personal factors that influences development described in Question 2 of this assignment †¢Cultural beliefs, traditions and having English as a second language †¢A child not being stimulated and socialised †¢Over protective children †¢An older sibling in the family who does everything for the child and even speaks for them †¢Learning disabilities including dyspraxia and dyslexia 5.Explain how disability may affect development. See CYP Core 3.7 for part of this answer. There are different types of disabilities that may affect development these include physical or learning disabilities. This may mean a child’s development is delayed in all areas or just one or some of the areas of developments. This could be because of the disability, because the setting is not experienced or set up to cope with the disability and/or because the child is subjected to discrimination this in turn may mean the child will not settle into the setting, feel different and lower their self-esteem and confidence. As a consequence of this there development may be affected. The disability may make cause delays in development as they physically can’t do something or there brain does not process information as it should, therefore sometimes there is little to do to ensure they are developing as you would expect a child too, however there is always something that could be done to stimulate the child physically and mentally even if it will not help them develop furth er. For example physiotherapy for a child in a wheelchair to get them moving and/or reading to a child functioning at a far lower ability such as cerebral palsy. For example if a child has dyspraxia they brain processes things differently and often they are immature and fine it difficult to decide what to do and in working out how to do it. They may also struggle with language and think about things differently. Therefore a child may struggle in understanding questions and activities, socialising, communicating what they are thinking and affect their development. All of these things can affect the child’s developments. If dyspraxia is diagnosed earlier there is a chance you can minimise a child’s development being delayed too much as measures can be put in place to help them be accepted by others and other methods of learning could be used to reduce the delay in development. A physical disability could be the child is paralysed and confined to a wheelchair; therefore making some of the common physical activities done in setting would be difficult for the child in a wheelchair which could mean a delay in physical development. The setting should think of inclusive physical activates for everybody to join in. A child in a wheelchair may feel different, labelled, and not accepted therefore can become withdrawn and not engaging in activities therefore all areas if there development may be affected. However if the child does fit, they may thrive in other development areas such as communication, social skills and fine motor skills but may find the gross motor skills difficult or due to the disability may not be able to certain physical motions such as kicking. 6.Explain how different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the expected pattern. See assignment EYMP 5 questions 5 and 6 in particular as well as information in the following assignments:, CYP Core 3.3 question 23, CYP Core 3.7 question 4, 8, EYMP 4 question 5. 7.Show an analysis that explains the importance of early identification of speech, language and communication delays and disorders and the potential risks of late recognition. See assignment EYMP 5 question 3 for this answer as well as CYP Core 3.7. 8.Explain how multiagency teams work together to support speech, language and communication. See EYMP 5 question 4, EYMP 1 question 7 and CYP Core 3.6 questions 1 and 2 and CYP Core 3.5. The majority of services who work in a multi agency approach work together in the same way for better outcomes for the child whether this be to support speech, language and communication or to support children in need with issues of neglect. Therefore the above assignments cross referenced are relevant to speech language and communication. 9.Explain how play and activities are used to support the development of speech, language and communication Supporting the development and speech of language and communication is important to help the children learn how to communicate in different ways, pronounce words correctly and widen their vocabulary. An effective way of doing this with children is through play and activities and they encourage children to get involved as children enjoy playing and participating in activities especially if they are made fun. Play and activities usually involves more than one person whether this be a child/children and/or adults this will get the child to socialise with others to improve their social skills and in turn help improve their speech, language and communication. Play and activities i would do with children to support their development include: †¢Role play this encourages imagination and using descriptive words and communicating with others and helps with listening skills and taking it in turn to speak †¢Music time – this helps them learn songs whilst doing movements and understanding what things mean such as ‘wind the bobbin up’ gets the children to point to the windows, doors and clap their hands. †¢Free play – gets children to talk to others; ask for help, have conversations with other children and it helps them hear others talk. †¢Afterschool time play – When the school children come to the setting for afterschool care they love to play with the children of early years age and the younger children respond really well to this and young can see them developing when they are with them. This play helps the younger children with their speech and how to construct sentences †¢Book use of books and flash cards to read and match words to pictures, to teach children sentences, listening skills, recognise words, repeat words and enhance their vocabulary †¢Vocabulary Teaching children colours, shapes, words and doing this as part of an activity and getting them to repeat the words and i would use the different words throughout all activities to help them remembers. This could be an activity such as an arts and crafts activity or through puzzles. Activities will make it fun and the children are more likely to participate and learn. †¢I give the children praise and make time to listen to them and encourage them to communicate. If they pronounce something wrong i do not tell them they are saying it wrong as i don’t want to knock their confidence but instead i just say the word after them correctly so they can hear how it should be said. 10.An explanation of how different types of transitions can affect children and young people’s development. See EYMP 5 question 5 and verbally in CYP Core 3.2 If the transition is a positive experience for the child they are more likely to settle in, be confident and therefore like being there which in turn will help them thrive in there development. Often when a child starts at a new setting it will take them a while to settle in as it can be a very stressful time for them this can often me there may be a slight delay in there development at the stage they are at or they regress and go backwards. However this is often short lived and when they settle into the setting they soon catch up. On some occasions they take longer to catch up or need extra support to help their development. Also when moving setting the children in the new setting may be at a different stage of development and of different ages therefore if a child or other children are behind in a particular area of development, this could have an impact on other children. This also works the other way round as the children may be ahead in development and encourage others around them to develop in areas at a quicker rate as they will learn from them. 11.Evaluate the effect on children and young people having positive relationships during periods of transitions. See assignment CYP Core 3.7 question 8, CYP Core 3.5 question 2 Positive relationships help reduce stress, help them feel more comfortable and stable. During the transition period the child will meet there key worker and spend time with them to help build up a bond with them so when starting at the setting they feel more secure and as the key worker will know the child’s likes and dislikes and will therefore when starting at the setting they will be doing things like which will help reduce stress and help settle them in. This in turn which reduce the risk of the child’s development suffering. With the parents/carers permission I help children with the transition from my setting to pre-school and/or school, to ensure the transition is smooth for the child and they form positive relationships I arrange with the setting to visit with the child a couple of times and meet there key worker to help prepare them for the transition. I also ensure that I am aware of the new settings routines so I can help them prepare the child for them.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Theme of Witch Hunts in The Crucible and the Rwandan Genocide Essay

In 1953, a book/play called The Crucible was published. It was written by Arthur Miller as an allegory of the McCarthyism era. It talks of the causes and effects of the Salem witch trials in the late 1600's. The story is told in a way that made the people of the 50's realize how crazy they were actually acting. In 1994, two Rwandan tribes were fighting each other to the death. One was called the Tutsi tribe and the other was the Hutu tribe. These clans differed only slightly. The Tutsi were taller, had darker skin, and wider noses. The Hutu were shorter, had lighter skin, and thinner noses. This was the difference between them yet they fought for about 3 months until nearly half of the Tutsi were slaughtered. What a happy story. But anyways, what do these two things have to do with one another? They both dealed with witch hunts of sorts. The Crucible literally was about the witch hunts. In the Rwandan Genocide, Hutu were hunted down like the ?witches? were hunted during the Salem witch trials. Though both of these things talk about the same basic idea, there are many differences s... Theme of Witch Hunts in The Crucible and the Rwandan Genocide Essay In 1953, a book/play called The Crucible was published. It was written by Arthur Miller as an allegory of the McCarthyism era. It talks of the causes and effects of the Salem witch trials in the late 1600's. The story is told in a way that made the people of the 50's realize how crazy they were actually acting. In 1994, two Rwandan tribes were fighting each other to the death. One was called the Tutsi tribe and the other was the Hutu tribe. These clans differed only slightly. The Tutsi were taller, had darker skin, and wider noses. The Hutu were shorter, had lighter skin, and thinner noses. This was the difference between them yet they fought for about 3 months until nearly half of the Tutsi were slaughtered. What a happy story. But anyways, what do these two things have to do with one another? They both dealed with witch hunts of sorts. The Crucible literally was about the witch hunts. In the Rwandan Genocide, Hutu were hunted down like the ?witches? were hunted during the Salem witch trials. Though both of these things talk about the same basic idea, there are many differences s...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Soical Issues

World Religions – Social Justice Issue Paper Legalization of Marijuana Introduction: Tracey Martin Every Religion demonstrates unique aim to adhere to specific way of living. â€Å"Typically, members of the Religious institutes either take vows of evangelical chastity, poverty and obedience (the â€Å"Evangelical Counsels†) to lead life in imitation of Christ Jesus or those following the Rule of SST. Benedict, the vow of obedience, stability (that is.To remain with this particular community till death and not seek to move to another), and â€Å"conversion of life†which implicitly includes the counsels of chastity and evangelical poverty' (Booker, 2003). â€Å"The golden rule exists in all Religions in some form. It is a statement, in summary, of the basic requirement for all human behavior. It appears sometimes in positive form: Jesus said, Do to others whatever you have them do to you† (Matthew 7:12). It also appears in negative form: Confucius said, â⠂¬Å"What you do not want done to you, do not do to others† (Analects 15. 3) Since this is the fundamental obligation in all religions, why are so many religions involved in so many of the most bitter conflicts in the world? â€Å"(Booker, 2003). With that question dated, we will explore and compare the view points offered by Catholicism and the United Methodist (Methodism) related to the social Justice issue around the legalization of Marijuana. Supporting Data: The controversy over the legalization of illegal drugs in the U. S. , has been an ongoing debate over the last decade or greater.From the early sass's to the sass's, Congress had enacted marijuana control laws, which saw a change in penalties for possession in the early sass's, imposing minimum sentence of 2 years for first-offense, and again increased in 1956 based on the Narcotic Control Act, which classified marijuana with iron. By 1965, the first-time drug offense carried a sentence of 5 to 20 years of imprisonmen t, and second offense carried 10-40 years. It was noted in 1956, the United States had 1. 6 million arrests, and by 1970 ‘s the annual numbers had tripled.The early sass's, President Nixon proposed the war on drugs, related to the drug epidemic, which also lead the urban American public to believe it was the cause of the increase in crime. 1971, a treaty with Columbia was signed with the United States, as the first step to the war on drugs. The goal was to raise awareness among lawmakers and to stop the production ND trafficking from the Caribbean to the United States. By the sass's, the war on drugs met challenges from the fight for power and the display of violence, observed from drug cartels.The violence and uprising led various murders from lawmakers, judges, and other public officials. Over the last few decades, noted changes with the legal status of marijuana has been seen. Eleven States have passed laws that discriminative the possession of marijuana for personal usage, and other states continue to evaluate their state policies. In the sass's, the worldwide epidemic of AID, parked the consideration for medical usage, which in 2005 policy was presented to lawmakers for consideration as the â€Å"Last Resort and Fundamental Rights†.The policy review demonstrated Cancer and Aids patients experienced signs and symptoms from treatments, and marijuana alleviated the side effects, when no other methods had been successful for treatment. The history of marijuana continues to be a political controversy in the United States, which is observed at both the state and federal levels. Lawmakers are not the only ones undecided in regard to public and medical views push for legalization. Many opinions have been documented for the acceptance and noncompliance for the legalization of marijuana.Points of view are divided in the medical communities with the psychiatric doctors pushing opposition due to substance abuse concerns in the general populations and ado lescents. Churches/ or Religious Institutes are offering opinions based on values and beliefs stemming from the religious order. The general public of the United States also seems to be divided based on familial values and beliefs or the continued awareness through media coverage and acknowledgment of divided view points. The basic view points identified for the two different religions beliefs are as follows: Catholicism – 1. Apostle Peter as its first leader. 2.Belief that Jesus Christ is Divine. 3. Transubstantiation; elements become really, truly, the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ at consecration, Real Presence of Christ, and the sacrament. (full communion). 4. Possession of the â€Å"threefold ordained ministry'. 5. Belief that the church is the vessel and deposit fullness of the teachings of Jesus Christ. 6. A belief in the necessity and efficacy of sacraments. 7. The usage of sacred images, candles and music, often incense and water at airship. 8. Veneration of Mary, the mother of Jesus as the blessed virgin Mary. 9. The distinction between God, Saints and Virgin Mary among the Saints. 0. Seven sacraments or â€Å"sacred mysteries† Methodism: 1. Tribune God, God is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, 2. Scripture; writings of Old and New Testament inspired by God. 3. Sin, human beings are intended to bear the image of God. Sin estranges people from god and corrupts human nature from ability to heal or save ourselves. 4. Salvation through Jesus Christ; through stoning death, resurrection, presence through history and promised return. . Sanctification; draws one to Christian perfection, â€Å"habitually filled with the love of God and neighbor† and as † having the mind of Christ and walking as he walked†. . Sacraments; two recognized. 7. Free Will; free to make choices because of God's divine grace and people are truly accountable before God for their choices. 8. Grace; God gives unmerited fa vor freely to all though it may be resisted. Though the identified beliefs and practices during worship are different. The two religions identify very similar views regarding social issues. Opposing examples include: Abortion, Addiction, Capital Punishment, Suicide ND Euthanasia, War, and the threat of human life and dignity.With the examination of the two religious views regarding the legalization of marijuana. Neither one of the religions endorses the use of Marijuana or â€Å"smoking pot†. Clergy emphasize God ‘s disapproval to mind-altering drugs, and promote abstinence from the use of illegal drugs, which is considered factors for crime, disease, death and family dysfunction. Marijuana is is described as a precursor or the gateway drug to the use of other drugs. With review of Amendment 64 in Colorado though, almost all the signers are Unitarians or liberal Mainline Protestants.Nearly one third are United Methodists pastors, but presumed they do not preside over an y of the larger congregations. Also several Jewish rabbis, but no Catholic or Orthodox clergy. â€Å"Apparently there's no specific denominational official stance for or against the actual legalization. The absence of a stance is a little surprising, as Methodists were the original Prohibitionists†. (Dooley, 2013) â€Å"The traditional clergy are on stronger ground when citing the already experienced abuse of medical marijuana laws. Stronger theological insights into what a civil state could and should ban versus regulate would be lawful.Those who believe in creating a more Just and godly society need to argue for maintaining a healthy common culture of mutual responsibility that guards against vice without exceeding the state's proper vocation†. (Dooley, 2013). Both national religious institutes have made reference to the religious documents that blind their belief and values. For the Catholics documents such as traditional Papal, Conciliator and Episcopal. The Method ists cite Doctrine of Standards, and the Book of Discipline. Pope Francis quoted † In every suffering brother and sister we embrace the suffering body of Christ. Dealers of death†¦. Allow the logic of power and money',When addressing chemical addiction. United Methodists quote the church founder John Wesley † None are recognized as Methodists who did not recognize the named Standards of Doctrine†. Conclusion: In the end the same question of; why are so many religions involved in so many of the most bitter conflicts in the world? â€Å"(Booker, 2003). I think the answer is still very divided, especially when examining a social issue. The legalization of marijuana, has been controversy since it was first introduced as an alternative approach for pacific medical treatments for signs and symptoms.As lawmakers are currently divided in overall decision, it is also demonstrated thru the different religious institute, from one end of the spectrum to the other. There is a divide of opinion and focus, relating to the process and the end result. Religions are focusing on the belief, values and the good of all people. Others of the more liberal religious orders relate more to the statistics of criminal behavior, financial costs to the general pubic, and the logic of usage by an individual person as a controlled substance (comparative to alcohol consumption).Currently, there is not an agreed upon solution to the social issue of marijuana be decentralized. Many States have taken it upon themselves to make decisions at the State level, and at this time others continue to evaluate. I think this is an issue that will continue to cause great debate over the coming years, the United States is very divided, from government in Washington, Religious Institutions, and the general public views for lour against the legalization of marijuana at this time. References: Allen, J. L. (2013), Pope decries † dealers of death† opposes drug legalization, Nat ional Catholic Press

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Globalization and the Art Market - 605 Words

Yoyo 1 Yonia Yoyo†¨ Professor Doyle Art 333 †¨ 20 September 2015 Globalization and the Art Market The expression globalization is universal and loose. In any case, it is important to consider what it implies for the craftsmanship market and the most extensive circle of aesthetic creation. According to Manfred B. Steger’s book, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, the term globalization refers to the â€Å"expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space† (Steger). In other words, globalization applies to an arrangement of social procedures that seems to change our present social state of debilitating nationality into one of globalist. In the book of Globalization, Steger†¦show more content†¦China outranked United States as the biggest market globally and became the center of the art market with a share of fortyfive percent in market sales in value (McAndrew). According to Malcolm Bull, the two economies of the art world are: the economy of attention—social media, which provides ranked artists in terms of sales— and the art market —frequency and location of exhibitions and the numbers who attend them; Popularity vs. income. In order to survive in our media based society, new elites today are those who reap the benefits by investing their attention capital to increase their accumulated attention stocks. Once the reputation of the invested capitals like artists and exhibitions is established, the gallery owner or the museum curator that lend their capital—in the form of the exhibition space and its associated cultural prestige—to these invested capitals are able to receive a return in the form of enhanced attention for the museum or gallery (Bull). Ultimately, well invested cultural capital will increase in value through increased attention. Although there is no direct correlation between the two economies, they cannot stand alone without one another in the art market. Works Cited Globalization data compiled from â€Å"The International Art Market in 2011,† by Clare McAndrew in The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art Worlds (Belting, Buddensieg, andShow MoreRelated Global Opportunities for Turkey Essay1583 Words   |  7 Pagesconnected, especially in the last few decades. The idea of being free individuals has become more important, as well as free market economies. Some ideologies have collapsed because of their antiquated offers about the political situations, yet some of them are ruling the world in the last hundred years. But if there is something certain about the whole world, it is that globalization is affecting and changing it. 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